This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

She wakes up at 2:30 and she knows why. She pretends she can go back to sleep but she knows she won't. She has a mild headache and feels tired but she knows her brain is working over time. She sings songs and talks to the ether. A quiet rain starts to fall, she hears it is supposed to turn into sleet or ice. She imagines herself getting iced in away from her family and spending Christmas alone. Just a fleeting thought nothing more- she is not worried about the weather she tells herself. Since she is up anyway, she finally manages to sort through the small stack of packages that have come for her family. She should make sure everything has arrived. She opens things- remembering who each item is for and discovers one present is missing.. typical.. She hopes it will arrive today and before she leaves town.

She hasn't been focused lately, and the holiday has almost passed without much notice, she is not sure how she feels about this. She used to love Christmas.

I am sure she still does.

It is now 5 am. She needs to wrap these presents and get some other items together for the holiday before she heads out to spend the day, the night, and tomorrow with her family.

There are good things happening her life and she is terrified. This is normal and to be expected and if it is all a dream that will be okay too.

It's Christmas eve.

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