Gable Erratic

By MsGable


I have blipped this barn before here, and have been wanting to return to it in the snow. It is on my way to work but I only seem to pass it in the dark, morning or evening, or in a blizzard when I dare not stop. Today though, we knocked off early and I grabbed my chance.

Hopefully all the madness at work leading up to Christmas is now at an end, and I will be able to get back to more thoughtful blipping, and more regular commenting. Thank you for those who have stuck with me. I don't have an amazingly high power job but it certainly takes its toll on me at times, and what with that and my cough/cold I have been wiped out this week.

I have back-blipped the last two days when it all became too much for me! And the Swan rescue story is on yesterday's - which I suppose I should really have written today, but happily they were last seen preening and safe. We will check on them tomorrow morning.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Blip Year to you all.

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