Who knew?

By InOtherNews


My brothers snake, named after 'The Boudiccia' (I think thats right) from the film Point Break. Not very Christmassy I confess but suits me fine.

I went out yesterday / last night in my new coat, Sonetti Jeans carrying my self destruct button. I seemed to recall pressing it around 5pm and then hammering on it until I hit the hay at 2am. I'm not going into details but needless to say I have one massive enemy in this world and I lay eyes on him everytime I look in the mirror.

Been to see Isaac today and watched him open his first ever Christmas present. I'd blip him but our kid would prefer I didn't put pics of Isaac on the internet. I respect his decision.

I think this adequately describes my feelings right now.

Everyone have a Merry Christmas and hold you family and partners tight because as long as you have them, you have everything you need.

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