With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Lions and wardrobes

We made it without forgetting anything but a paper angel made for Mrs Pepperpot. It will be guarding the house with Suc.

There were slight delays due to an impromptu air traffic strike and a lack of sandwiches, but we ate porridge instead and caught up with an old friend and her family. Snow had fallen snow on snow in Liverpool, the mud flats of the Dee and the Mersey all white below us and our little feet froze on landing, but we braved an outing for a tree with AKHF. We dragged it joyfully down the High Street and begged for a giant pencil sharpener to get it to fit in the base. MV had to shave it manually using an old spoon, but nourished by a Gulshan curry, it is now resplendent with its chilli lights and baubles.

All are safely gathered in. G + T time for grown ups and Narnia viewing wrapped in furs for all.

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