From Dawn to...

By DawnCHS


Thats it! If there is anything else left to do now, then its just tough!!

I ran around like a headless chicken this evening; wrapping, sorting, tidying, trying to thaw pipes, going to my sisters to get a shower... it seemed like I would never stop!!!

I finally got finished at 11.52pm. I know this as I suddenly panicked that I had not taken a blip. Into my bag for camera...nowhere to be seen!!!!

I borrowed Janes to take my blip, with minutes to go before midnight...then when I came to upload it, I discovered that the time had never been altered from the clocks changing in October. - I found mine in a drawer in my bedroom; I have no idea why it was there; but shows the dedication! I even take my camera to bed in case there is a blip.

Lesson for the day: Always check the time on someone elses camera!

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