
A slow day with everyone doing their own last minute shopping.
Still loaded with the cold and scoffing sudafed extra strong.

All that I had to get were Christmas crackers which I finally found in Sainsburys.

God I hate wrapping stuff, in fact I am so bad at it my youngest daughter took over the task. As I have a cut on my thumb I wasnt even managing to cut the damn sellotape!

Decided that as a family we should attend the Christmas vigil but went to the early evening family mass. It was mobbed! but I have to say far better than the long drawn out midnight affair. They even had bought 200 hundred chocolate Santa lollies for the kids, now thats not bad!

#1 son working till 4am then out again at 11am, poor bugger. #2 daughter out for her works do that just leaves #1 daughter, myself, hubby and the dogs round the fire watching tv.

Hope you all have a lovely holy and peacefull christmas all blip friends

Todays picture is one of the few sunsets I have managed to capture in the city

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