Santa, Baby
14 months 3 day
We've had a wonderful day, a totally wonderful day. Katie got up late after a kinda bad night, and enjoyed a leisurely start. We then spent the morning with some very special family friends, playing at their house and visiting their pigs. It was a bit too snowy to go visit the sheep in their bottom field, but Katie had a great time chasing their cat and dog, then sat like a really big girl at the table eating and dropping titbits for the dog!
We then spent a special afternoon with Uncle Simon. We had a coffee at a music cafe, with friends, then we took Katie for her first visit to the Boyes' Santa. An important moment for any Scarborough-born child. She enjoyed all the twinkles in the grotto and sat quite happily letting him talk to her. She smiled a lot at his 'reindeer bell', but wouldn't take the present from him. This is the photo the photographer took. It's not good, but it's special to me
We have had a lovely evening at Grandad's, aunties, uncles, cousins. Katie was amazing, she pottered round everybody, grinning, performing, being excited and happy. She left mince pie and sherry for santa and carrot and water for rudolph and Grandad explained what would happen in the morning, and is now snuggling asleep ready for morning!
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