
By tookie

Christmas Eve Fun!

Goose and Gander joined us in visiting our dear friends for the traditional Christmas eve celebrations. One friend's son Gil was really intrigued with the bell ringing and colorful Santa hat worn by Gander! Gander hammed it up just for him too:)

We also enjoyed Gil trying to blow candles out on the mantel--he stood there and blew and blew up into the air and low and behold he was able to blow them all out. Then he moved onto the tv which was "Playing" the yule log fire image--it was fake crackling and little Gil tried then with all his might to blow out the flames on the fire log! Very cute.

A lovely meal was shared with the only mishap being that we forgot to bring the lentil loaf Gander made last night for the vegetarian part of the meal---so he and Goose went back to retrieve that! Everything else went smoothly --great meal, the fun sharing of the present openings and then lots of goodies and and drinks and laughs.

Good night all....May tonight bring those sugar plum dreams and dust and tomorrow a step closer to peace and joy and justice for all, Merry Christmas, xoxo clare and family

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