Life of Tiree

By tireedawson

The Punchbowl

Happy Christmas everyone!

Frantic present opening and huge excitement, me barking orders and getting in a tizz trying to write down who was opening what from whom. Only a toy rabbit escaped, it's giver a complete mystery. Nice rabbit though.

Then a freezing cold run to the top of Whitbarrow - not many folk around, odd grainy snow falling like white hundreds and thousands on the frozen ground. Those that had ventured out taking the time to chat and laugh. The posh family I saw at the top casually enquired as to whether I had any parsnips about my person. I do so hate to dissapoint.

Back for mince pies and cake, then a walk to the local for a mulled wine. Lots more posh people in nice Christmas in running gear and Crocs...

Toy Story 3 has just finished, Uncle Thom has gone in the truck to get Grumps (makes him sound like some heavy object that needs a pick up) then we'll sit down for Marnie's fantastic turkey dinner...

Happy Christmas everyone, hope you all enjoy this special day :)

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