Looking up, looking down

By Eagleheart

My very first blip !

Uuuuuwaaaaah I feel so excited at the moment!!
Yesterday Santa brought me a brand new camera. Of course I had to start my own blipfoto now that I have a camera :D And I must say: I love my new camera <3 ^^ It's small and easy to use, a perfect camera to a blonde, stupid girl like me. But yeah!
I've dreamed of starting my blipfoto a looooong time!

This picture is taken from Hirvikoski. It's a church. We were visiting at my grandpa's grave to leave a candle like we are used to do when it's christmas. Then after this, we went to visit my fathers grave to leave a candle as well.
This church is absolutely magnificent, I love it! There's something scary in it as well, maybe it's just because its so big...
There's this tale of a "which" or shoud we call her umm... "wise woman" who predicted that this church will fall down in 2000. As you can see, it didn't happen! :) It's still there, thank god!

Well that's about it, my very first blip.

ps. I'm sorry about all the grammatical mistakes I might do :|

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