All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Who ate all the (mince) pies?!

Happy Christmas to everyone!

We started off well with another sleep through the night (11 hours) from wee Ethan. He then demolished 2 weetabix for breakfast and then got looked after by a combination of Aunty Foreveryoung, her hubbie, my hubbie and Grandpa, whilst myself and Grannie got on with preparing Christmas lunch.

I thought we did a fab job, but Ethan clearly didn't as he refused to eat a single mouthful of the starter or main course! He did however have a few mouthfuls of Christmas pudding and tried to pull a baby sized cracker with me!

Thought it would be funny to take a photo of Aunty Foreveryoungs baby bump after the meal was over! (She's 32 weeks pregnant now for anyone who doesn't know - it's not ALL Christmas pudding in that tummy, lol)!

Ethan wasn't himself for the rest of the day and wasn't even too interested in the wrapping paper for all the hundreds of pressies he got. (It's fair to say most of the pressies under the tree were for him)! He did enjoy reading the book Ruaridh gave him though and pretending the bowl and spoon his Great Aunty Judith gave him were a drumkit.

It was been an early bedtime for him tonight, dosed up with Calpol. Still, a really nice first Christmas home with Ethan though.

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