
By spitzimixi

ahoy there!

Flea spots parents approaching from a distance and gets ready with a list of complaints.....to those of you who also deal with ASD/Aspergers on a daily basis, I think I can get away with saying that today was 'one of those days'. For the others, I'll spare you the details but just say that 'one of those days' ends in despairing parents on a sofa, one in tears and the other trying to find words, two children miserable in bed and one pink princess oblivious to everything and sound asleep because it has nothing to do with her.
If only they'd use a telescope to look at life through rather than a bloody cracker, it might help.

I mentioned yesterday that Blip and Blippers are a bad influence on me and it's true - but in the best possible of bad ways. Living, as I do, with some people who think that creativity is a slightly puzzling waste of time, it's good to share images with like-minded slightly puzzling people who remind me that I'm not that odd really, even if my family despairs of me. So, cheers to you all, hope your Christmas day was chirpier than mine :-) xxx

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