Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Pink Sunrise on the Bay

I started out the morning with this great sunrise. It was just breathtaking. We haven't had one of these for awhile, and I was ready for it. The whole sky was glowing pink and it was quite warm and the air was so still; unusual for around here.
There was a lady walking her dog on the boardwalk, and she stopped to enjoy the sunrise with my husband and I. She was from Michigan and she just loves it here. We were all in awe, and then we turned to leave and there was a gorgeous rainbow in the north sky. I tried to capture it, but didn't do it justice.

My husband and I got together for brunch with some friends this morning, and we have been having a nice relaxing day. I am trying to get caught up with my blip shots, I've been kind of out of the loop lately.

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