Kitface sees....

By Kitface

Busy day.

I already wrote this and then closed it by accident so this version will be condensed sorry.

day consisted of Shopping with brother in Irvine. good fun and very productive
Heading to my Buddys for an evening with the Troon friends playing with the little one.
Buddy and I decided to be festive elves and nip out to Tesco and get a Tree for a neighbour who didn't have one she had two young kids and we knew that Tescos were selling them cheap
While At Tesco I saw one of these lanterns and as I have never seen one before I Decided to treat myself. Especially enjoyed the instructions stating prohibitions of not lighting within 5 miles of the coast. we were maybe 500 metres form the sea. and lo and behold the thing went straight in that direction! apparently I was supposed to pre warn the coastguard. Oh well!

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