an old cynic's view

By superhero

A health warning for Grandads everywhere

Wee Johnny got Lego from Santa
"Papa, will you make this for me???"
How can you say no, so last night it took me a hour to fit these stormtroopers together.
Then this morning the same question, only this time it was more technical.
A 4 wheel drive Jeep and horse box + a wee man, and a horse.
So I am taken by the hand to the dining room and plonked on a chair, box placed in front of me, and you can guess what hapens next.
Yes you are right off he pops to play games on his Daddy's new iPhone.
He wasn't bad though ,he came in every so often ,I am not sure if it was just a progress check or to see if I was still there.
After an hour or so I triumphantly strolled into the lounge proudly holding the fully completed model.
He then took me by the hand again and showed me his new Scalectrics set,at which point I waved the white flag and took Mrs OC home.
These Leg toys are not meant for 63 year old fingers
Season's Greetings hope you are all well I will catch up with comments later

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