
By milltownlass

A story behind this photo

This is the top lane on the approach to Hartshead Pike. In dry conditions it's usually only passable if you have a 4X4, but even those vehicles would have problems getting through because of rough terrain.

The ice was around 5-6 inches thick, and impossible to walk on because of the incline, even with our thick soled shoes and boots. We managed to find a way up to the top of the Pike, by walking on the snowy bank.

On the way down, my daughter and husband decided to slide down the ice on their rears. Halfway down, we looked back to see a Ford Focus (taxi) stopped at the top of the hill behind them. The driver must have been unfamiliar with the area, and looking for a shortcut. My daughter and husband managed to get off the ice and up onto the bank, along with other walkers.

The taxi driver had no choice then, but to slide the 100 or so yards down the hill in his car! We all waited until he had slithered past, hitting the bank as he went from side to side. He seemed totally unphased by the incident, and set off, to his next pick up.

We had a great walk, with lots of laughs as we slid about on the ice and chatted.

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