amidst the winter snow

This dust-sheet wasn't exactly clean to begin with, sporting a number of different paint-spatters and splotches but I'm confident that a large amount of the browny-black gunk dribbled onto it by a defrosting bicycle will leave a long-lasting stain. On the way in this morning it was just warm enough for all the slush dragged up by the wheels to not re-freeze but it had chilled sufficiently by home-time for it to be necessary to further destroy the dustpan-brush to knock off the worst of the filth outside the door to reduce the amount of sludge required to be fielded between frame and floor. I've been forgetting to steal a couple of wooden coffee-stirrer sticks in order to poke out the lumps inaccessible to the brush but might also see if a sensor-cleaning rocket-blower is powerful enough to puff away the accretions.

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