
By fiend

An ultra lazy blip taken from bed this morning - just did not want to get up! I don't really like xmas decorations, they annoy me (bah humbug!) but I do have a few things up including this dangling from my light fitting and that's only there because I was attempting to blip it a while ago on a dry blip day :)

I don't know what it is with this lens but both today and yesterday I've found that I don't want to crop at all and any levels adjustments are minor - strange, given that i'm known to photoshop the bejesus out of an image at times.

Anyway, i have to go but I'll be back tomorrow to catch up on missed weekend blips. have a good one everyone!

(hahaa...I just looked at the exif data for this and it was 1.15 this afternoon. That's disgraceful, no wonder I've got so little done today :D )

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