My happy little life

By khoola

Happy Birthday Maddy

Today is Maddy's first birthday. In some ways the last year has flown past, and I can't believe we're here already. In other ways, it feels like Maddy has always been here, and the idea that just 366 days ago I hadn't even met her seems utterly bizarre.

I thought that after my first child, another would just be more of the same. I couldn't have been more wrong. A year ago, I couldn't imagine how I could possibly love a child as much as I loved my first. I didn't understand that your love doesn't need to divide between people, it multiplies as many times as it needs to.

I've had half a bottle of champagne, and probably more than the recommended dose of beechams, so am feeling more than a little sentimental! Am betting I'll be feeling considerably less loved up when my snot filled children wake me up in about an hours time. But until then, Happy Birthday Maddy, my beautiful baby girl.

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