Life of Tiree

By tireedawson

The Three Seater Loo

We woke up to inches and inches of fresh snow, sucked onto all the frozen branches and leaves like iron filings on a magnet.

Today Grandma and Grandpa moved out of Crosthwaite House to Low Bank, their newly renovated cottage-across-the-yard. Cue boxes, mayhem, confused pets, chipped plasterwork, a wardrobe sawn in half and two thousand trips up and down 5 flights of stairs.

Luckily the kids, especially Milo, chose today to be contented with entertaining themselves and when they were unable to do that Peppa Pig stepped in to look after them for an hour or two.

Oh....and the three seater loo....we did find time to take the kids out to build a snowman, which they loved. Here is Milo taking a break on the step to the Three Seater Loo building, straight after this he declared "We now need to build Henry the Snowman's Mummy and Daddy". I wonder if, by the light of the moon, they will all shuffle over to go for a snow wee together?

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