No Hands!!

14 months 7 days

Katie slept through last night! 7pm til 6am, a feed then back to sleep on me until 8. When she was on me, she kept opening her eyes, looking round the room, and smiling. We had a wonderful time at G & G's but I think she was pleased to be home. She slept very snuggled up last night, and it obviously worked for her. Because she slept through, she woke up with a great appetite and scoffed a huge bowl of porridge.

This morning we are playing at home, on the hope that someone (Landlord/Plumber/ Gas company/Boilercompany/ Any randomer who fixes heating) rings or calls in. <EDIT: We now have heat and hot water!! Landlord did exactly what Grandad predicted last night would need doing and we have warm!!)

This photo is Katie wandering round with a balloon in her mouth. Said balloon was her favourite on her birthday. 2 months ago! It has been the most played with balloon in history, I think. She is wearing my new favourite of her fleecies, a purchase yesterday in the sale.

Katie also spent some time looking through fabrics which Mummy and Granny are going to use to make soft toys, for children in distress - See more here

This afternoon we are going to see the Cousins, to handover a collection of presents from other family for them, and to get a present Katie has been bought in the sales. Between now and then I am going to continue the mission to rearrange our house to make the new toys fit the space. And boy is that a mission - my girl was hugely blessed this year.

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