Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

Busy busy busy ...

Another very busy yet productive day. Mohsina and I went to the old Lahore to buy decorations for the dholki's and mehndi functions. Roamed around for 5 hours with Mohsina's friend Naaima on the lower mall area around Punjab University (The image in the blip). Urdu Bazaar and Anarkali. Shopped for jewelery, paranda's and khussa's too. Our functions, decorations and attire, everything is very traditional.

Came back home, made tea, fed the dogs and went to meet the designer who is preparing clothes for everyone including Madiha's bridal dress. Last but not the least, went to the event manager who will decorate the venue for us. Now sitting infront of my laptop utterly exhausted from the events of the day. Its after 8:00pm and now I just want to relax and do nothing as tomorrow is another busy day for all of us. No time to comment, work, or even to have my 8 glasses of water. I can feel I am dehydrated ... *sigh*

Hajra, my sister is stranded in New Jersey due to alot of snow and a blizzard. Her flight to Pakistan has been delayed 4 - 5 times already. I hope the flights are finalized and her transit in Abu Dhabi is not too long.

I hope everyone is doing good.

The coloured version of the image

Check out Mohsina's blip

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