Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd

Fred is Missing

Oh, this is such a sad blip. Fred, the wondercat, has been missing since 0530 yesterday morning. He normally doesn't stray far from home at all and is never out for longer than 20 minutes or so. It has now been 36 hours.

I went round all the neighbouring streets this afternoon dropping off flyers. The good news is that that has generated quite a few calls and he seems to be stuck somewhere a street over (i.e. outside his normal area). The bad news is that I still can't quite find him. I feel he can't be far, but where is he?

Fred is truly special. Not only is he huge at 11kg but he is also the most affectionate. gentle little fella. I have to believe that I will find him.

Wish me luck........

Update: Fred came home at 0330 in the morning!!

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