
By Rioja

The Path

On a normal day, this is the boring mundane path to Curriehill Train Station. Add a bit of mist and some Black & White and it makes it look like a whole different place. Thought it went well with my Eerie gate yesterday.

I was going to post a picture of the boys showing a bit of Brotherly love towards each other, I managed to get a shot for the few seconds that it lasted. It all started with the two of them lying in front of the fire and Harry playing with Joe's hair. All quite tranquil and nice until Harry discovered that the harder he pulled at Joe's hair, the bigger reaction he got. Needless to say the peace never lasted!

Link to Brotherly Love picture

Took them out to Soft-play to run off some energy and bumped into Mr Douglas, a friend that we haven't seen for ages. It must be one of those weeks for getting back in touch with old friends.

We also have Mr M and Penelope, the future Mrs M coming for tea (dinner) tomorrow night. They both moved to Windsor earlier on in the year so it will be nice to catch up. Home-made Chilli is in the slow cooker already in preparation for tomorrow, the fridge is stocked with plenty Cheese along with Mr Ferguson's infamous Chutney... canny wait.... the company might be good too!

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