Daily Wild

By emyjane

It's Green Again!

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It sure is, wow, have I missed that colour, living in amongst the colour white for so long (ok, only a week, but you get my drift - no pun intended) to see the variant green colours again on the fields is pure delight!

I went for a drive this afternoon, just to clear my head & feel free & alive again, having been snowed in for so long - even though it was a dull day, it was SO beautiful! When I came back a blackbird was singing his full Spring song at the end of the garden, I hadn't the heart to tell him that even though the snow had gone, it was still Winter & only 'just' Winter & not yet Spring! Then it got me thinking, when it is Spring, or the beginnings of, there will be so much more to blip... but now it's 2 months of solid Winter & that's just made me feel very depressed.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll come back happy again on here, but now I have post Christmas AND Winter blues. Sorry.

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