The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

While Shepherds watched their Flocks....

After the three So called Wise men left, the Shepherds came with their flock of sheep. They said the Archangel
(no not our Archangel), had told them to go to Brierley Hill where they would find a virgin (They looked astonished) who had given birth to a baby in a stable (see Summer house), and they should go and pay Homage to him. They took a long time due to the fact that they had no Crook to help them (and they could not find any politicians who who give up their holidays to help)
They had crossed from county to county and now were being investigated by DEFRA for Foot and Mouth infringements.
Well I said, I am always putting my foot in my mouth, "there" they said, we've been done for your Foot-in-mouth problems.
Next thing I know I have a flock of sheep on my lawn and a no go zone of 10 miles (that's 16 KM for everyone else in the world except the USA) around my house, road blocks everywhere and an enforcement order signed by Police.

I'll be glad when this holidays over and I can get My Summer house back.

What next I wonder, and suggestions to finish off this Trilogy.

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