Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

nice night for it...........

well this is what is known as a real pea souper. not as good as the ones i used to get down newhaven, when the har would come rolling up the street and you couldn't see ten feet in front of you. still it's pretty damn thick and looks the perfect setting for some sort of b-movie horror.

not much to sy today, been a day of doing nothing much. have obviously been out with the dog and maybe i'll put up some more christmas decs later..then again maybe not.

top gear is on again this week after losing out to the feckin snooker last week. it's not a sport people.......i tell you when i come to power that is one of the first things to go from tv but not before eastenders and corrie.
ah but tis the season of goodwill and all that and it's not the time to be slating soap operas. (i'm sure i'll have ample oppotunity to do that again.)

christmas eve tomorrow folks(as if you didn't know). hope yours is a peaceful and relaxing one.

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