
Think I am getting cabin fever! Spent most of today doing rubbish stuff like washing etc. Gave my wee beloverd GF1 camera to #1 daughter to take on holiday with her so using the beast tonight.
Hubby spent most of today skinning and butchering a small dear we bought locally, I have to say I am not a fan of venison so will have to think of various ways to cook the damn thing and how to give bits away to other folks!

Didnt sleep again last night till 4am! this is beginning to do my head in, thats regardless of taking a nice mug of Ovaltine.

Am struggling to read a decent book, had a look at one of hubbies books "Everything you need to know about self suffiencency" what a load of guff! and besides I already know how to shear a sheep and how to milk a cow! and Im not interested in all that tree hugging stuff about grow your own food ! See I need out as Im getting grouchy!
Hope the weather improves tomorrow and I can get out and take some pics

Have a good sound sleep all

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