a tall order

By ATallOrder

4 months + 1 day

For 4 months, less one day I took off my engagement ring, my wedding band, and my pretty earrings and left them on my bedside table. All gifts from my then fiance. Two days ago I reached to my left ear to find it empty. No sign of the pretty wedding day gift that I loved to wear. So after we walked the street with flashlights and checked every crevice of the house, still no earring. I cried a little bit, sad I lost a gift, sad I lost a sentimental piece of that day, sad I won't have the earrings to give to my son/daughter someday - but so thankful that in just 4 months and 1 day I have barely started this new adventure and it is with someone who is so patient and understanding over a lost earring that he gave me. I am so lucky that while we are both sad, he can help me put it in perspective.

And so, with a little bit of a sad story I begin my Blip...not even with a picture I love, but with a nice reminder of what is really important.

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