Every Little Step

By moonfairy

I'm bored with you taking photographs of me!!

Not the best photo of Sophia Sparkles, but I've been trying for ages to get one of her yawning.

Usually when I take photos of her she gives me this look, as if to say, 'would you please just stop taking photos of me.'

Well, today has been a much nicer day weatherwise. We actually saw the sun, and it was nice and warm too. How long it will last I don't know, but it made a welcome change.

Other people must have thought so too, as we had over 11,000 visitors at work, needless to say it was a very busy day. And guess what, I get to do it all again tomorrow.

I am now very tired, and my feet ache.

Dinner is being cooked by hubby, I have a glass of wine, and Sophia Sparkles has forgiven me for taking photos and is now sleeping by my side.

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