All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Oh dear. Another hellish night from the wee man who yet again ended up in our bed just after midnight. Took forever for him to go to sleep - we ended up having to give him a bottle of milk, - he hasn't had a middle of the night feed for months. Once he was asleep, hubbie complained Ethan was pushing him out the bed! (To be fair, Ethan doesn't seem to have grasped the concept of "space" very well yet)!

Hubbie left for work at silly O'Clock in the morning and unfortunately Ethan then woke about 15 minutes later. He was inconsolable. Not sure if he had night terrors as even cuddles from me, rocking him, walking up and down the room didn't help. He didn't want to not be with me but didn't want me either. In the end, at 7am Grannie came through and took him downstairs so I could go back to sleep. Three hours later I felt like a new woman and Ethan had been good as gold for Grannie!

He was still very out of sorts today. His rash had also got worse and changed pattern so Grannie and I took him down to Boots to see the pharmacist there. He has just preccribed baby Nurofen and made up a cough mixture solution for him as he still has a chesty cough which is clearly hurting him.

He has hardly eaten anything since Christmas Eve although he did manage a wee bit of macaroni cheese tonight. He then refused a banana until I sat him on the piano and then he demolished half of it. What's that all about?! While he was up there, he practiced pointing at random things and saying "a-ttt" which he says all the time these days!

He went off to bed at the usual time tonight without a fuss. Which could be because he's tanked up on medicines! Fingers crossed they do the trick.

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