One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye


After too many days of intense eating (a kilo and a half of Brie in less than 10 days - and that's just for the nibbles...) and drinking (I was kind of ashamed to drop the glass equivalent of the Botanical Gardens green house in the recycling bottle bank), I do feel a touch foggy.
The wind of the Atlantic ocean should sort that out. It's just the 5 hour drive between here and there in a Volvo on its last legs that is a bit daunting.

These three were far from foggy today and yet another high velocity trip to the supermarket. They are still on a high of sugary shite, no school, too many toys for their short attention span and a constant stream of visitors (5) (they like nothing better than visitors coming to the house)

Think I'll crawl to bed now.

No. I'll roll to bed. T'will be easier...

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