Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Misty Fields

The weather today wasn't quite as photogenic as it was yesterday, but there were jobs to be done so I took a couple of shots on the way back from shopping.

There was certainly no sun to worry me today. When I said I had bought a lens hood I didn't mean a big numb thing like I got free with my last camera, I couldn't be bothered using that! I got one of these rubbery things. They can fold back out of the way when not needed and stop you clunking the lens when you put the camera down!

The main job of the day was dismantling an exhibition of our prints that Chippy and I have had for 3 months in a local arcade. We have sold stuff, we have had great comments, we dared to go for it. If we can, you can too!

Now, to think about tomorrow: drinks; yes, food; hopefully, DVDs; Chippy will bring the complete Lord of the Ring which we will watch end to end (again) and I have a couple of extras. We spend the day and evening and next morning watching stuff.

It's a great life when you can relax and enjoy a good film!

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