Lyndsay's Awesome Stuff

By lyndsaymatthews

We Ride

Wee man is hearting MarioKart, He's getting it after ony two shots how it works and not only managed to improve his lap time by 4 minutes, he figured out how to reverse out the trees by himself. And save his data. Clever five year old.

Colour me proud.

[Side Note:i][/i]
I dyed my roots (purple, sorry Max!) finally.
I read most of a book - A week in December.
I painted my nails.
Made a shopping list I never kept to.
I ate 800g of milk chocolate.
I lost a toenail.
I drank one bottle of Sauvingnon Blanc.
I didn't do any housework, whatsoever - as a direct result of the above.

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