Clark Tales

By cclark

Sunshine through the fog!

Wow this morning was so so foggy- I was lucky to see 4 meters in front of my car on the way to work after a brill lie in.

I drive past a particular section of motorway everyday and see the most stunning view- I always want to come off at the nearest junction and blip it, but never have time, this morning I made that time. It was right after I'd called my dad to tell the neighbour I wanted to blip his house, sorry Bungy will have to do that another day - got my blip when I saw the sun screaming to break through the fog and layers of cloud. So glad I stopped to get this, 2 mins up the road was thick fog again!

Brilliant night after work with Andy, Jay and there 2 pups - will be waking up on the last day of the yr at their house x

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