
By dsyglsy


beth and I had an early, early start today to get to her orthodontist appointment and get her new braces. we drove into town like zombies, barely a word between us, looking like newborn hamsters...

the appointment was less than ten minutes so once we had woken up a bit we took some presents back that were too small/broken and generally did some shopping~chatting about braces~latte drinking and gadding about town. I'm impressed by how grown-up she's being about her brace - it's a real mouth full of plastic and wire and it's going to take a while to get used to it, but she's up for it and coping well so far. I have had a few moments of wondering why I'm putting her through this, but I know it will be worth it in the end having been through braces myself. poor beth...I've found myself coaching her on how to deal with kids at school that will probably tease her about them....but at least she's not at the academy where kids are far more cruel. c'mon betty - you can do it!

in other news, after a three week break, we got series six of house today thanks to my ace friend sarah in brunei...me and b are now back to late nights of watching endless episodes of house because we can't put it off...what the blazes will we do when we catch up?

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