
By Babaodo

And That, My Friends... that.

Whilst today's shot was uploading I put on some tea (Assam) and paced an empty house deliberating what to write. As I start, I'm still not sure but I will keep typing.

Another year over. Hmmm. Was it a good one? In the grand scheme of things, not really. Did it show? If it did, I trust I also showed I was laughing now and then and that other times were just ridiculous.

What I can be certain of is that this little bit of daily therapy has helped change things. There is so much joy to be had in a fraction of a second.

Blip is an odd place indeed. It's fuelled by pleasantries. It's rare to receive a comment telling you that you are would be better off knitting (cue Sebastian). Maybe that's why we keep coming back. A daily pat on the back. That's a cynical view and, perhaps, partly true but I have found it encouraging, inspiring, motivating and have found friends here. Nothing wrong with that, is there? What more could you ask for? A great thing about 2010.

I'm rambling like a good one (which I am not) and apologise. I feel better now, though. You are all very lovely . Some of you are especially lovely and I trust you all know who you are.

Oh, I think the best thing about blip is that I like exposing myself every day.

Happy New Year. Be brilliant.


A bigger apology

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