My Angle

By myangle



from a humid and fairly hot Brisbane. No chance of snow here today.

Santa has been around this side of the world.

Jo got me up fairly early although I did make a pretence of sleeping in.

My haul of presents was pretty good.

2 bottles of wine
1 bottle of tequela
a Michael Schumacher book
a silicone baster for cooking
a golf glove
2 hotwheels cars (Ferrari of course)
A cat calendar
a tide guide
a Moreton Bay navigation book (now I will have to get a boat!)
2 (yes 2!) nose/earhair trimmers

and best of all

a fishfinder (now I really have to get cracking and buy a boat!!!!)

I love Christmas.
The tequila is already mixed up with the margurita mix. Now I just have to figure a way to freeze it. It will go down well later.

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