The Corner of Your Heart

By LifeInEveryWord

Christmas Eve

It's Christmas eve and my sister and I just got out of going to church
So the night is going to be filled with wonderful events in this empty house
1) Shake all of the presents under the tree and post it label them with what we think they are
2) Take the puppies for a walk. Sure, it's cold. But they have sweaters and it's not like we have dogs of our own to take out
3) Curl up in front of my laptop and watch Jim Henson's "The Christmas Toy". I meant to bring the tape with me but I left it on my dining room table. We thought that all hope was lost on this holiday tradition until I was browsing YouTube and found that some saint uploaded the entire video. Score!
4) Sleep. Must wait for...Santa. Yes...right...Santa...

Well, goodnight all. Have a great rest and an amazing holiday!

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