It just sort of clicked.

By shaunm

If only time would wait... just for a moment

Its the end of another year,
Time has gone so fast,
The year that was my future,
Is now a year in my past.

So much has happened,
So much said and done,
But throughout it all,
I've had a lot of fun.

A question to my future self...
Has the dye been cast?
I wonder if my decisions
Change what?s in your past?

There's only one who truly knows...
And that's the future me.
As it takes time before I'm him,
I'll just have to wait and see!

Time can be a funny thing,
But has a few good traits...
While I look back and ponder,
Another year awaits.

So while I get older still,
And become more the wiser,
I also get one step closer,
To a grumpy old miser!

Therefore I made the decision,
Although young to some,
At the age of twenty three,
I'm staying twenty one!

Time is like a treadmill,
On it we all leap,
And if you don't run fast enough,
You end up in a heap!

The fact you never arrive,
No-one seems to care,
Because your feet are moving,
You feel you're getting there!

The advantage of a treadmill:
It has a variable speed,
If we could do the same to time,
We'd have all the time we'd need!

The answer then is take a walk,
Even if you don't get 'there',
At least you can enjoy the journey,
And breathe the nice fresh air.

But where is 'there' exactly?
On this I shall not dwell,
For the only thing that's certain:
Only time will tell.

This was something I wrote a few years back now... isn't time a funny thing! oh and sorry for the very bad quality photo, it was taken with my phone when I was shopping... but I did think it went well with my poem (if you can call it that).

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