Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

Christmas Day

The weather was not very nice, the light was very 'flat' making skiing difficult. We did one run and Roy struggled, so we met up with the rest of the group and had christmas cake and cava, the light got a little better so we took the chair lift onto the other side of the mountain, saw all these wonderful snow and ice sculptures on the side of the chair lift station. We skiid down to the village, Roy called it a day but I did one final run then gave up, back to the hotel for coffee and brandy.

In the evening we had a gala dinner, fabulous food and wine with every course. The four ladies and one gentleman were Spanish, they spoke no english and they live in Torreveija, about 10 minutes from us. We managed to have a successful conversation, the lady in the silver dress gets up at 6am every day and walks for an hour and a half along the promenade at Torreveija, she then goes home showers and has her breakfast and is then ready to face the day, I admire her. They were a fantastic group and after the dinner they entertained us with a style of dancing called 'Sevillianas', very styalised and not as frantic as Flamenco. They are performing in the theatre in Torre in February so we are going to see them.

Paco is the MD and has been with the hotel for 20 years, every year we have a collection for him and the staff, one miserable s*d put 11 cents in the collection, he claimed that was all the change he had on him. I very nearly told him to go to his room and get some more money or put a 5 euro note in the collection!! but I kept my mouth shut - for once!!


Christmas Day

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