Sugar Magnolia

By cew

The Trumpet

From as far back as I can remember my family decorated the Christmas tree together. It mattered little how it looked only that we enjoyed it. I was the baby of the family and the last decoration to go on the tree was this little old chipped green trumpet. I recall my dad lifting me up to put it on the tree. I must have been very young.
When I had my son we carried the same tradition. Unfortunately our trumpet got broken a few years ago. We were angry and hurt and had many feelings that didn't really fit in with the season.
Well I saved the broken pieces of the trumpet because I couldn't bare to throw them away. Then I found this Santa cage type decoration. Can you see the green trumpet inside him? John still puts this on the tree and more angry or hurt feelings!!!

OK no more Christmas decorations blips for at least a year from me!!

Have a Wonderful Christmas Everyone.

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