
By ballardian


I'm not really a believer in New Years Resolutions but I thought I'd make a sort-of visual list of the things I'll try my hardest to do this coming year...oh, it's not too early is it?!

Finish Crime and Punishment: I know, I know. I'm not sure how but it's remained unfinished for months while I've read dozens of others since...

Go back to Berlin: I fell in love wih this city early in the summer(Hence the map, and my current non-C&P read 'The Berlin Novels). Longing to go back, and explore the rest of Germany.

Health: I need to up my health stakes. Don't get me wrong, I eat a good balanced diet but there could be a little less coffee going into the cup and few more 'good' things. And some running.

RSC ticket: Go to the theatre more...I miss it.

Phone: Keep in touch. I'm bad at calling.

Write more: Since it's earlier blip my new journal is currently empty...I'll try to fill it.

Have a Picnic! A Christmas gift from an amazing friend. I'm looking forward to the summer...

...oh, have Happy New Year.

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