Colin Parte

By ColinParte


A bit of a cluttered shot this evening of five Flybe aircraft. I snook up onto the closed top car park of IKEA in Belfast this evening on my way home to grab this shot of George Best Belfast City Airport, to give it it's full title. Formerly RAF Sydenham, The City Airport, The Harbour Airport, and also an airfield for Shorts Aircraft (Shorts Sunderland, Tucano, etc), the airport has lots of history, but is known mainly for their efforts to get bigger jets to use the airport to the annoyance of local folk who have been known to lose a roof tile or two at times.

Reference the sneaking up onto the top level; I got locked in and sheepishly had to ask to be let out by a stern looking security guard! Serves me right.

Anyhow, have a great New Year's Eve and my best wishes for a peaceful, just and happy 2011 to all. No comments this evening as I'm off round to a friends house to see in the New Year. See you all on the other side!

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