Happy New Year Blippers

I have my milk, blanket, and I'm comfy in my chair,
hey what do you mean its time for bed,
so no fair, I may be small,
but a new year is special to me to,
another milestone, another year
of me surviving with you pair of loonies
as my parents,
hey don't blame Me,
I've had good teachers!
Oh well, here's too another year of madness,
joy, mayhem, and life of fun in this household!
Daddy can't get much balder,
Mummy can't get much more loopy,
Just time and space for me to grow up,
get big, and learn about this world,
Oh its a hard life being a waddler,
being waited on hand and foot!
(yes mummy really did mean to write waddler)
really must employ a new writer,
mean mummy!!!

happy new year everyone xx

(PS I been spoilt today, mummy went out, came home and had this is in her bag
its a present from my god mummy mandy, I love it, it matches the other part she brought me!!)
she also had yummy cake!!!! made by auntie mandy too!!

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