Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Pink Sunrise Morning

I got up a little later this morning than my usual 6 a.m., but I was just in time to see the sky pinking up in the west. I told my husband I was going to drive down to the dock, so he decided to come along. It was so cold, my fingers were numb by the time I went back to the car.

When I got into the car, my husband was nowhere to be found. I waited about 5 minutes, and then I started worrying. I could not figure out where he went. I got out and looked everywhere I could see, and I just could not figure it out.
So, I got back into the car and waited some more. By that time, I was not only worried, but more than slightly provoked. I had been standing right by the car when I took my photos, and I didn't hear anything. I didn't even hear the car door open or close. It was really perplexing me.
Finally, he came walking up to the car. I was not a happy camper and asked "Where have you been?" Well, unknown to me, there was a port-a-potty by the dock, and that was where he was. I guess nature called him, but he forgot to mention it to me.
Anyway, I felt kind of silly getting so worried, and now I know where he will be if he disappears again.

This is the last photo I am going to post until next year!

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