Don's Pix

By minch

Time flies . . .

. . . when you're havin' BLIPPIN-GOOD FUN! Looking back over the year, its a bit daunting to think I did this every day for a full year. In my wildest dreams, I never thought I'd be up to the task. It pales in comparison to some of the two, three, and four year blippers, just a 'blip' in the photo road really.

Over the 'road' I've met (electronically) some super people with awesome photo skills, and that is very gratifying. The blip family is truly special - friends linked together with a brief view and description of what has touched their lives on any given day.

Thanks to all of my blip friends and passers-by who have commented on my posts and to Joe and the wonderful staff at Blip Central - the most unique photo site on the net.


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