Happy New Year....not for the squeamish

Went to my sister-in-laws last night night for a bit of a do
Came home just after midnight.....Chris fell asleep and had to be woken up for Big Ben!!!
Walked in the door and discovered the dog had had a little accident...the 1st since puppy hood, cleaned up and sat down with a brew just as she did the most violent vomit I`ve ever seen all over the new rug...cleaned that up, sat down again and she did another vom. This was repeated twice more before she settled down.

Went out to Tesco to get some carpet shampoo this morning and the bloody place was closed....came home and found something in the depths of the shed and cleaned up as best as I could but rug will have to be dry cleaned....oh the joys of having a pet.
Hope you all have a peaceful and healthy New Year.....xx

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