Life of Tiree

By tireedawson


Summer and Milo's cousins arrived today with a huge bag of hand-me-down dress-me-up clothes. Milo is now an effeminate Father Christmas and Summer is a beaming Cinderella, with a tiny mouse attached to her rags.

Thank you SO MUCH for all your comments and congratulations yesterday. It means so much to me. What I failed to do was find time to have a bit of a gush about how wonderful all you blippers are. I love being part of this community - looking at all your journals never fails to inspire me. For those of you closest to me with whom I share comments the most - I have entire characters for you built up in my head...and each of your photos adds a little piece to your story as it unfolds, it's really quite delightful!

So, the fire's roaring, Milo's telling a story through the medium of *pirates*, Sam's making mash, Uncle Craig's fallen asleep with a beer in his hand and so far 2011 is looking pretty darn good. Long may it last and Happy New Year to you all xxx

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