Habitual Anxiety

By amy

Happy New Eonar!


Welcome to the first entry of my year long photo journal of the inane!

I have decided to take a photo every day (or at least try) in an attempt to be able to start next year with easy access to some memories that I can look back on.

This is because when I tried to think of the highs and lows of 2010, I have to admit I drew a blank and something about that doesn't quite feel right!

Please don't expect these photos to be artistic or even interesting - they are about me after all! Nevertheless, you are more than welcome to browse and comment.

I will try not to let this become simply a large group of photos of my two dogs although I cannot promise they will not feature here seeing as they are a very large part of my life (and make for a cute photograph!).

This photograph pretty much sums up the last week of my life. Level 30 today!

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